I came across an interesting issue today. I used the ResetPassword method provided by C# membership class to reset the password of a user and found out that although it allows us to define the password strength using a regular expression in the web.config file, it does not guarantee that the generated password adheres to the rules defined by the expression. Microsoft says and I quote
"The random password created by the ResetPassword method is not guaranteed to pass the regular expression in the PasswordStrengthRegularExpression property. However, the random password will meet the criteria established by the MinRequiredPasswordLength and MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters properties."

So to tackle the issue, I used the Regex class. The revised code is shown below

var isNotMatch = true;
                        resetpwd = manager.ResetPassword();
                        var matcher=new Regex(Membership.PasswordStrengthRegularExpression);
                        isNotMatch = !(matcher.IsMatch(resetpwd));
This code snippet will force the ResetPassword to fire until a password adhering to the rules defined by the regular expression is generated.


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