Let’s say that you wrote a method like this

public static int getVolumeOfCylinder(int radius, int height)
return 22/7*radius*radius*height;

Now we all know until now we have to know the order of the parameters to call this method correctly, right!
Well not any more with C# 4.0 you can consider the parameter names as labels and call them without considering their declaration order in the following way

getVolumeOfCylinder(height: 10, radius: 5);
getVolumeOfCylinder(radius: 5, height: 10);

And as you have imagined already, named arguments can follow a positional argument but a named argument can never be followed by a positional argument

getVolumeOfCylinder(5, height: 10); //this will compile
getVolumeOfCylinder(height:10, 5); // this wont


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