All of us are familiar with OOP concepts, right!!
But how many of you have tried to use them in JavaScript.
Here is a simple code example to get you up and running.

First I will create a simple JavaScript class. When uing C# or Java etc... , We use the keyword "class".
To denote a class in JavaScript we use "function".

Here we go...

function Helper() {

$.fn.getCurrentIds = function (name) {
var selectedIds = new Array();
$('input:checkbox[name=' + name + ']:checked').each(function () {
var idString = "";
for (var i = 0; i < selectedIds.length; i++) {
if (i == selectedIds.length - 1)
idString += selectedIds[i];
idString += selectedIds[i] + ',';
return idString;

this.setAllSelectedIds = function (checkBoxName, hdnId) {
var hdnControlString = '#' + hdnId + '';
if ($(hdnControlString)) {
if ((!($(hdnControlString).val())) || $(hdnControlString).val() == "")
if ($.fn.getCurrentIds(checkBoxName) != "")
$(hdnControlString).val($(hdnControlString).val() + ',' + $.fn.getCurrentIds(checkBoxName));

this.setCheckboxStatus = function (hdnId) {
var hdnControlString = '#' + hdnId + '';
if ($(hdnControlString) && $(hdnControlString).val()) {
if ($(hdnControlString).val() != "") {
var idArray = $(hdnControlString).val().split(',');
$.each(idArray, function (index, value) {
if ("input:checkbox[value=" + value + "]")
$("input:checkbox[value=" + value + "]").attr("checked", true);

this.getAllSelectedIds = function (hdnId) {
var hdnControlString = '#' + hdnId + '';
var idString = "";
if ($(hdnControlString))
idString = $(hdnControlString).val();
if (!idString)
idString = "";
return idString;


Here I have defined some useful common utility functions which will be used in and out side of the class.
if you look closely, you will see that the function "getCurrentIds" is called from another method or a function within the class that is "setAllSelectedIds" we have used JQuery pointers to do so - "$.fn.getCurrentIds(checkBoxName)"

what about out side of the class.

Its the same as any OOP based language.
-Create an object of the class
-Call object methods

here is an example

var helperObj = new Helper();
helperObj.setAllSelectedIds(itemCheckBoxName, hdnAllChkIds);//returns void
var allItemsSelected = helperObj.getAllSelectedIds(hdnAllChkIds);//returns a string containing all the selected check box ids.

you can elaborate further on this concept and can use it to write more complex but clean and maintainable code

Hope it helped!!!


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