following code demonstrates how we can write a collection to an XML file using C#
we can do it in two ways first lets do it without using serilization.
public static void writetoXML(string fileName)
DataSet ds = new DataSet("ds01"); //root node
DataTable t = new DataTable("table01"); //
DataColumn qNo = new DataColumn("questionNo"); //
DataColumn ans = new DataColumn("answer"); //
t.Columns.Add(qNo); //add columns to the table
ds.Tables.Add(t); //add table to the dataset
DataRow r;
int qLimit = 10;
r = t.NewRow(); //create a new row of type table
r["questionNo"] = i;
r["answer"] = "answer for question" + i;
t.Rows.Add(r); //add the newly populated row to the table
//write the added data to the console
Console.WriteLine("Data added to the table\n");
for (int i = 0; i <>
public static void serializeDatSet(string fileName)
lets rewrite it again using serilization there is a big advantage in this i'll show it right away
when using serialization we write the data using a XMLSerializer object which will be created using the method typeof(). this allows us to write any type of collection to a XML file with little altering of code as possible
lets see how the above method will look like when written using serilization
//create a new XMLSerializer object of type DataSet
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DataSet));
DataSet ds = new DataSet("ds01");
DataTable t = new DataTable("table01");
DataColumn qNo = new DataColumn("questionNo");
DataColumn ans = new DataColumn("answer");
DataRow r;
int qLimit = 10;
r = t.NewRow();
r["questionNo"] = i;
r["answer"] = "answer for question" + i;
Console.WriteLine("Data added to the table\n");
for (int i = 0; i <>
TextWriter writer=new StreamWriter(fileName);
//write the data set to the writer stream using the serialization object
so lets say you want to write an ArrayList to a XML file
well see the code below
public static void writeToXML(string fileName)
ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i <>
arr.Add("answer for question" + i);
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ArrayList));
TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName);
ser.Serialize(writer, arr);